When creating MP3 with an average bit rate of 128 kbit / s results in a file size that is approximately equal to 1/11 of the original file to the CD-Audio. In itself, uncompressed audio format CD-Audio has a bit 1411.2 kbit / s. MP3-files can be created with a high or low bit rate, which affects the quality of the destination file. The principle of compression is to reduce the accuracy of some parts of the audio stream that is almost indistinguishable to the ear on equipment prevalent throughout the low-fidelity sound reproduction (for example, a dominant majority of portable devices, sound cards, music centers, radios and other no special equipment). This method is called perceptual coding. At the first step we construct a diagram of sound in a series of short periods of time, then it is removed information is not discernible by the human ear, and the remaining information is stored in a compact form. This approach is similar to the compression method used in compressing images into a format JPEG.
Download Mp3 Music As the format of JPEG, MP3 uses a spectral cut-off, according to a psychoacoustic model. The sound signal is split into equal-length segments, each of which is packaged after treatment to its frame (frame). Expansion in the spectrum requires a continuous input signal. Therefore, it is used for calculations and previous and next frame. In the audio signal has a smaller amplitude harmonic and harmonics that lie close to the more intense - these harmonics are cut off, as statistically average human ear can not always be able to determine the presence or absence of harmonics.