The official website of the developer is Normally the program size is around 6.32 MB. The default installation directory of the program is C: Program Files popcap games bookworm deluxe Bookworm.exe. The default uninstaller of the program is C: Program Files PopCap Games Bookworm Deluxe PopUninstall.exe 'C: Program Files PopCap Games Bookworm Deluxe Instal. Among all its users globally, 50.00% are from United States,the program is also popular in the countries of Philippines. Users with the percentage of 50.00% run this program on the operating system of Windows 7. Detailed information about the program.
• United States • 98.59% • Philippines • 1.41% How to deal with Bookworm Deluxe program leftovers The problem: To completely uninstall Bookworm Deluxe is not always that simple, the default uninstaller that came with the program always fails to remove all the components of Bookworm Deluxe. For example, the registry entries that created during the program installation are always left inside the computer even you perform the regular removal, also, leftovers may include installation folder, temporary files, cache files, etc. To manually find out and remove these leftovers is not only tedious but also a risk-involved task since you need to reach the registry editor and sort out the unwanted entries or keys of the target program, and then remove them one by one, sounds easy, isn’t it? Well, the fact is, Windows registry is a place that you don’t want to mess up, an straightforward example, if you mistakenly delete a wrong key/entry, some of the program in your computer may stop working, it may even result in system malfunction. The solution: Installing special designed Bookworm Deluxe uninstaller, allow it to thoroughly scan your computer for all Bookworm Deluxe components, and perform complete removal automatically. Click the below button to get it started now!